Local Environment Management & Analysis

LEMA is a research group attached to the Urban and Environmental research unit (UEE) at the University of Liège. LEMA develops its researches in the domain of the local environment, in both its physical (urban quarters, housing, public spaces), cultural (cultural heritage, tourism), perceptive (townscape, visual and thermal comfort) and social (quality of life, urban cohesion) dimensions.

Address :

University of Liège
Quartier Polytech 1, Allée de la Découverte 9, Bât B52/3
4000 Liège

Prof. Jacques Teller
Civil Engineer in Architecture ULg (1992)
PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2001)

Mail Address :


Luan Nguyen
Civil Engineer in Architecture ULg (2002)

The application was developed as part of the doctoral research of Luan Nguyen.